3 Worst Cleaning Tools For Solar Panels

Solar panels are built to withstand the rigors of Utah’s elements. But even these planet-saving pieces of engineering have their limits.

Here are three cleaning methods NOT to use when cleaning your solar panels:

1 Hard Bristle Brushes

While a soft brush with flexible bristles can be one of the best ways to clear debris from your solar panels, a hard bristle brush will scratch and even severely damage the delicate wiring hiding just below the surface.

2 Pressure Washer

Pressure washers are fantastic bits of machinery in their own right, but combined with solar panels, they make for an expensive disaster. The sheer pressure of the water can absolutely ruin your solar panels. Confine your pressure washer to garage doors and house exteriors and use gentler methods on your solar panels.

3 Strong Cleaning Fluids

While you might think solar panels, being built for exterior living, are impervious to strong chemicals, they are actually much more susceptible to etching and damage than you might think. The only chemicals that should ever make contact with your solar panels are plain old water and boring standard dish soap.

If your solar panels need a spruce up, give the solar panel experts at City Creek Window Cleaning a call today at 801 261 5565.


Pressure Washer v Solar Panels


Can I Use A Brush To Clean Solar Panels?