What Time Of Day Is Best For Cleaning Windows?

This is an interesting question. Is there really a best time of day to clean windows?! 

Actually, there is, and we’re nerdily excited to tell you all about it!

No matter the season, it’s usually best to wash your windows on an overcast day or earlier in the morning.

One reason for this is that when windows are in direct sunlight, it can be hard to see streaks left on the glass. (The same reason why your windows look dirtiest when the sun is setting.)

Another reason is that when the sun is at its highest, it can cause your cleaning solution to evaporate faster, leaving streaks before you’ve even had time to pick up your cloth.

If you’re cleaning your windows yourself, early morning or when the weather is overcast are your best options.

If you’re not cleaning your windows (lucky you!), your City Creek Window Cleaning pros have the tools and the know-how to get every last tiny water droplet and streak off your windows.

Give us a call today at 801 261 5565.


What Weather Is Best For Cleaning Windows?


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